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Elisa2B (Elisa Beli Borrelli)


Visual developer, 2D Artist \ Illustrator, Comic Book Artist \ Animator




My name is Elisa - you can call me Eli! - and I'm an italian artist of albanian origin. I began my career as an Illustrator when I was 19 years old and I haven’t stopped working ever since.

I'm currently active as a 2D Designer at Brown Bag Films in Dublin. I'm also a co-founder and member of the transfeminist collective Moleste.


Thanks for stopping by!



2013 - 2017 Bachelor Degree at the Academy of Fine Arts of Turin (Italy)



2014 - Illustrator of a short novel,  “Cromature”, written by Cristina Vezzaro, inside the anthology “Novel” (Eris Edizioni, Accademia Albertina Press).

2015 - Illustrator of “L’incontro - Storie e
ricordi di vita di un sinto piemontese”
written by Giovanni Cena (Alzani Editore).


2018 - Illustrator of “I Segreti di David
Lynch”, written by Matteo Marino; “La
Regina di New York”, written by Alberto
Rosa; “Sacerdotesse, Imperatrici e Regine della Musica” written by Clarice Trombella. Author of “La Chiamata”, nominated for the Boscarato award of Treviso Comic Book Festival 2018 and winner of the Fumetto?LoAmo! 2019 award (Beccogiallo Editore).

2019 - Author of “Nessun altro posto”,
collection of illustrations and unpublished work. Teacher of an art workshop for adults and children in Savona's youth association and the students of Chiavari's school of comics. Comic book artist of “Pinguini Tattici Nucleari a Fumetti”, written by Lorenzo LaNeve (Beccogiallo Editore).


2020 - STARTED WORKING AT BROWN BAG FILMS AS A 2D DESIGNER. WORKED ON ADA TWIST (Netflix) AND GET ROLLING WITH OTIS (Apple). Colorist of "Caino", a chapter of the comic book "Lyon. Le storie del mistero" written by Davide Costa and illustrated by Emanuele Virzì (Salani Editore).


2021 - WORKED ON EUREKA (Disney). Featured in Hardcover 2, collection of illustrations.

Author of an animated short for Studio Meala, "Andrà Tutto Bene (MEALA MINI #041)". Featured in Hardcover 3, collection of illustrations. Comic book artist of "Sotto pressione", a chapter of the comic book "Fai rumore. Nove storie per osare" by Collettivo Moleste written by Davide Costa (Il Castoro Libri in Italy, Dark Horse Comics in the USA), winner of a Boscarato Award and nominated for a Micheluzzi Award. Fe
atured in a series of short animations for Studio Meala, "FOOD JAM (MEALA MINI #049)". Illustrator of "Handicap", a chapter in the book series "Scatoline" written by Iacopo Melio (effequ edizioni). Author of two animated shorts for their own youtube channel, a very tired guy, called "nostalgia" (featured in numerous festivals) and "you'll never be ok again". Volunteer for the Carlow Community Games and GradIreland Careers Event with Brown Bag Films.


2023 - Volunteer for teaching a class of children about animation in St.Andrew's National School with Brown Bag Films. Author of the webcomic "Welcome to the Shibari Dojo" (TacoToon), ongoing project of 10 episodes. Author of an animated short for their own youtube channel, a very tired guy, called "there's a light".

2024 - Volunteer for teaching a class about animation in Maynooth's Autism Friendly Town at Maynooth's Community College with Brown Bag Films and AsIAm. Featured in Hardcover 2024, collection of illustrations. Author of an animated short for their own youtube channel, a very tired guy, called "another go", screened at Dublin Animation Film Festival. Author of a self-published comic, "The Unloved". Featured in GAZE International LGBTQ+ Film Festival with their short "there's a light". Started making their own music available on spotify under the name "a very tired guy". Started making designs for tattoos and tattooing.

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